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 Republic of Turkey 

My efforts in Turkey started in 2008 to 2011, when I started to join skeptic and atheist online communities of and where I have met like-minded friends from very different backgrounds and ideologies. We shared a common passion which was to make progress in organized atheism in Turkish society.


After grouping at the Taksim Gezi Park Protests in 2013 (biggest secular resistance in Turkish history), my first attempt was to create a semi-political underground organization for the atheist representatives of all political parties and groups. The aim was to unite these leaders under one roof to work for a common cause by putting aside our political differences. We called this organization: Ateistler Meclisi (Congress of Atheists). We reached our goal, however, we have also discovered that tolerating partisan politics was extremely harmful and divisive in an organization of free-thinkers. 

In 2013, we started to publish Ateist Dergi (Atheist Magazine) in order to outreach nonbelievers nationwide. It helped us a great deal in terms of reaching out to atheist academics, authors, columnists, scientists, activists, volunteers, and supporters.


In 2014, I have helped to establish the first-ever legally recognized atheist organization among Muslim majority countries. I have volunteered in the most positions of the NonGovernmental Organization and personally hosted over 100 events in Turkey in a total of 14 cities between 2013-2016 with the above-mentioned organizations. 


In 2015, I have succeeded to unite the first and second atheist organizations of Turkey and to merge under Ateizm Dernegi. Ateistler Dernegi (Association of Atheists) was established a few months after us. Nothing better than joining forces with old friends.

After passing the flag of the Turkish NGO to my former colleagues in 2016, I moved to Canada and focused on atheist activism on a global scale. I was honored to serve as the president of Atheist Alliance International in 2015-2017.


In 2018, I was invited by the Founding Members of Ateizm Dernegi to take lead once again. Due to my controversial legal reputation in Turkey, I have accepted the lead role with the condition of serving only; as a mentor to the Board, and as a director of International Relations.  

Association of Atheism, Turkey is recognized by the Republic of Turkey, the European Union, and the United Nations as the legal representatives of the nonbelievers in Turkey. and also is a proud member of Atheist Alliance International, Humanists International, Secular Policy Institute, and the Coalition Against Blasphemy Laws

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-14 at


If you are an atheist activist who likes to be part of my team or an atheist asylum seeker in need of help, contacting us through email is the fastest way. 
If you are an atheist activist in a country where blasphemy or apostasy is punishable by death, please share your information with us -only- through email or end-to-end encryption message platforms. 

© 2023 by Onur Romano who asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work and woe betide anyone who suggests otherwise. 

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